Do not Lazy Drink Water, Kidneys Can Suffer
Jakarta, Facing the commemoration of World Kidney Day, Indonesia Hydration Working Group (IHWG) launched the Ayo Drinking Water movement (AMIR). The goal is that more and more people are aware of the importance of white water consumption to maintain kidney health. IHWG chairman Dr. dr Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K), said people today when thirsty prefer to consume a sweet drink. In the long run the habit is certainly not healthy because it will increase the intake of calories that trigger obesity and also make the kidney work extra hard at risk of failure. According to data from the Ministry of Health in Indonesia the number of patients with kidney disease increased nearly 100 percent in the period 2014-2015. Consequently, the National Health Insurance (JKN) should cover the health costs of up to Rp 2.68 trillion for chronic renal failure patients.Read: After Eating Mangosteen Banned from Drinking Beverages Now many countries are aware of the harmful components of sugar. Indonesia has not succeeded (regulating sugar) because there are industrial interests behind it, "said Dr. Wiweko who is familiarly called Dr. Iko in declaring AMIR movement in SDN Rawamangun 12 Pagi, East Jakarta, Thursday (2/2/2017).
AMIR Movement (Photo: Firdaus Anwar)
Through the AMIR movement, the community, especially children, is taught how to drink healthy water. When the education is also distributed AMIR comic instruments so that the material more easily accepted. We started the movement to encourage how healthy hydration is not drinking softdrink and so ... After this AMIR we must follow up with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Trade how AMIR logos can be in every bottle of drinking water so remember that drinking water is clean and healthy sugar, said Dr. Iko.To children need water drink one half liter while two liter adults. dr Iko said the need is really white water is not at all other fluids such as fresh tea.Read also: Viral, Avocado Seeds Can Be Overcome Kidney Disease (fds / vit)